yaml-validator Public
Forked from navikt/yaml-validatorValidates YAML documents against a given schema
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 23, 2023 -
estafette.io Public
Forked from estafette/estafette.ioResilient and cloud-native CI/CD
HTML UpdatedOct 19, 2022 -
helm-gcs Public
Forked from hayorov/helm-gcsManage Helm 3 repositories on Google Cloud Storage 🔐 **privately**
Go MIT License UpdatedOct 19, 2022 -
Neovim-from-scratch Public template
Forked from LunarVim/Neovim-from-scratchA Neovim config designed from scratch to be understandable
Lua GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 16, 2022 -
kind Public
Forked from bsycorp/kindKubernetes-in-Docker - A single node cluster to run your CI tests against thats ready in 30 seconds
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2022 -
github-tag-action Public
Forked from anothrNick/github-tag-actionA Github Action to tag a repo on merge.
Shell MIT License UpdatedMar 14, 2022 -
blue-green Public
Blue-Green deployment workflow with Terraform, GKE, Helm, Flux
Makefile UpdatedOct 12, 2021 -
grafana-dashboards Public
Forked from percona/grafana-dashboardsPMM dashboards for database monitoring
TypeScript GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 7, 2021 -
vault-controller Public
Forked from kelseyhightower/vault-controllerAutomate the creation of unique Vault tokens for Kubernetes Pods using init containers.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 4, 2019 -
kubernetes-engine-samples Public
Forked from GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes-engine-samplesSample applications for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 20, 2019 -
ingress-nginx Public
Forked from kubernetes/ingress-nginxNGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 29, 2019 -
haproxy-docker-compose Public
HAProxy docker compose setup
monocular Public
Forked from helm/monocularWeb UI for Helm Chart repositories
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 24, 2018 -
mqtt_blackbox_exporter Public
Forked from inovex/mqtt_blackbox_exporterPrometheus Exporter for MQTT monitoring
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 18, 2018 -
redis-openshift Public
Forked from mjudeikis/redis-openshiftRedis Cluster on Openshift
Shell UpdatedMar 20, 2018 -
docker-jmx-prometheus-exporter Public
Forked from sscaling/docker-jmx-prometheus-exporterDockerized jmx-exporter for prometheus
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 6, 2018 -
jboss-eap-quickstarts Public
Forked from jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstartsThe quickstarts demonstrate JBoss EAP, Java EE 7 and a few additional technologies. They provide small, specific, working examples that can be used as a reference for your own project.
JavaScript Other UpdatedMar 6, 2018 -
origin Public
Forked from openshift/originEnterprise Kubernetes for Developers
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 15, 2018 -
prometheus-docker-stack Public
Prometheus stack with all the helper exporters and alerting tools into a Vagrant deployable environment.
hyperledger-fabric-k8s Public
Forked from chawlanikhil24/hyperledger-fabric-k8sYAML files to deploy a cluster of Hyperledger-fabric on top of Kubernetes
Shell UpdatedSep 6, 2017 -
artifactory-on-openshift Public
Forked from goern/artifactory-on-openshiftThis is Artifactory on OpenShift, a containerized version of Artifactory OSS with an OpenShift template.
Shell GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 18, 2017 -
todoapp Public
ToDo App written in Python/Django build and deployed with Docker
Python UpdatedFeb 1, 2017