author : Samuel Berrien
The final goal of this project is to implement any kind of optimisation algorithm in order to teach creature to walk, run etc.
We will first try to reproduce the results of the article Flexible Muscle-Based Locomotion for Bipedal Creatures.
- CMA-ES and COCO benchmark work well. But is removed from this project (moved to
) - RL environments with bullet and OpenGL/GLFW can be created (only cartpole is done for the moment)
- DQN and DDPG agents with libtorch are implemented and functional
This project requires multiple libraries.
Physic engine stuff : Bullet
Graphic stuff : OpenGL, GLM, GLEW, GLFW and SOIL
Reinforcement Learning : LibTorch
Install deb dependencies :
$ # Update
$ sudo apt-get update
$ # Install libraries
$ sudo apt-get install libbullet-dev libglm-dev libglew-dev libglfw3-dev libsoil-dev
Install LibTorch :
$ # Download libtorch for CUDA 10.0
$ wget
$ # Unzip libtorch to /opt
$ sudo unzip -d /opt
Note : if you want to extract LibTorch in a custom directory you need to modify EvoMotion's CMakeLists.txt
Install CLI11 :
$ # Clone CLI11
$ git clone --single-branch --branch v1.5
$ # Copy CLI11 headers to /usr/local/include
$ sudo cp -r CLI11/include/CLI /usr/local/include
Note : if you want to place CLI11 headers in a different folder, just add include_directories("/path/to/CLI11/include")
to CMakeLists.txt
First clone this repository :
$ git clone
Finally you are able to build the source
$ # Go to EvoMotion root directory
$ cd EvoMotion
$ # Build project with CMake and Makefile
$ ./
Pass the following arguments to programin order to launch specific test :
: test the graphical part of this projectbullet
: test the physical enginerl
: test the CartPole environment with RL agent
Below the commands to start this project :
$ # Go to EvoMotion root dir
$ cd EvoMotion
$ # Build the project
$ ./
$ # Start Reinforcement Learning test
$ ./build/EvoMotion rl