esgoggles Public
Browser ide for reading and exploring javascript code
acorn Public
Forked from acornjs/acornA small, fast, JavaScript-based JavaScript parser
JavaScript Other UpdatedJan 27, 2013 -
Pyjs canonical sources. Start here!
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 17, 2012 -
esprima Public
Forked from jquery/esprimaECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis
JavaScript BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedDec 17, 2012 -
lua.js Public
Forked from mherkender/lua.jsAn ECMAscript framework to compile and run Lua code, allowing Lua to run in a browser or in Flash
JavaScript UpdatedDec 16, 2012 -
escope Public
Forked from estools/escopeEscope: ECMAScript scope analyzer
JavaScript BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedDec 10, 2012 -
libsass Public
Forked from sass/libsassA C implementation of a Sass compiler
Shell Other UpdatedDec 8, 2012 -
iTerm2 Public
Forked from gnachman/iTerm2iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.
Objective-C UpdatedDec 6, 2012 -
graph.tk Public
Forked from aantthony/graph.tkJavascript Graphing Utility using HTML 5 Canvas
JavaScript UpdatedDec 5, 2012 -
javascript-cas Public
Forked from aantthony/javascript-casComputer Algebra System written in JavaScript.
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 3, 2012 -
sisyphus Public
Forked from simsalabim/sisyphusGmail-like client-side drafts and bit more. Plugin developed to save html forms data to LocalStorage to restore them after browser crashes, tabs closings and other disasters.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 30, 2012 -
iframework Public
Forked from meemoo/meemooappMeemoo HTML5 hackable web apps, a graph-based interactive web media framework (ßetaish)
JavaScript GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedNov 28, 2012 -
OpenRefine Public
Forked from OpenRefine/OpenRefineOpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it
Python Other UpdatedNov 28, 2012 -
dataflow Public
Forked from meemoo/dataflowAbstracting out meemoo.org 's graph editor. Current state (early days):
JavaScript UpdatedNov 27, 2012 -
apigen Public
Forked from ApiGen/ApiGenAPI documentation generator for PHP 5.3+
PHP Other UpdatedNov 22, 2012 -
PHP-Parser Public
Forked from nikic/PHP-ParserA PHP parser written in PHP
PHP Other UpdatedNov 22, 2012 -
MissMatch Public
Forked from pb82/MissMatchPattern matching for JavaScript inspired by one of the great features of the Haskell language. Suitable for browsers or node.js.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 21, 2012 -
ratchet Public
Forked from twbs/ratchetPrototype iPhone apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JS components.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 17, 2012 -
x-tag-elements Public
Custom HTML elements built with X-Tag - the W3 Custom Element polylib
JavaScript UpdatedNov 14, 2012 -
jPanelMenu Public
Forked from acolangelo/jPanelMenuA jQuery plugin that creates a paneled-style menu (like the type seen in the mobile versions of Facebook and Google, as well as in many native iPhone applications).
JavaScript UpdatedNov 5, 2012 -
jsbin Public
Forked from jsbin/jsbinCollaborative JavaScript Debugging App
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 27, 2012 -
nw-goggles Public
desktop/web interface for reading code, for node-webkit and chrome
JavaScript UpdatedOct 16, 2012 -
estraverse Public
Forked from estools/estraverseECMAScript JS AST traversal functions
JavaScript BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedOct 14, 2012 -
JavaScript-Koans Public
Forked from liammclennan/JavaScript-Koansjavascript koans is an interactive learning environment that uses failing tests to introduce students to aspects of JavaScript in a logical sequence.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 8, 2012 -
phys.coffee Public
Forked from fixplz/phys.coffeeCoffeescript rigid body physics engine
CoffeeScript UpdatedSep 29, 2012 -
jRespond Public
Forked from ten1seven/jRespondjRespond is a simple way to globally manage javascript on responsive websites.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 25, 2012 -