keeyipchan / Kaleido
Forked from agness/kaleidoKaleido is a tool that is designed to help visual-thinkers program by letting you create personally meaningful visuals for your code.
keeyipchan / doom3.gpl
Forked from TTimo/doom3.gplDoom 3 GPL source release
keeyipchan / cantoinput
Forked from johnburket/cantoinputCantoInput - an input method (IME) for Cantonese
keeyipchan / php-weakref
Forked from colder/php-weakrefPECL extension that implements weak references and weak maps in PHP
keeyipchan / php_excel
Forked from iliaal/php_excelPHP Extension interface to the Excel writing/reading library
A very simple javascript layer for a browser based SQLite database.
keeyipchan / ymockup
Forked from maccman/ymockupUI mockups using HTML and CSS
keeyipchan / remodel
Forked from tlossen/remodelremodel -- a minimal ORM (object-redis-mapper) in a few hundred lines of ruby
PECL extension that implements weak references and weak maps in PHP
Identifies keywords, proper names and acronyms in a given text.
keeyipchan / fireunit
Forked from jeresig/fireunitA Firebug extension for JavaScript testing.
keeyipchan / jquerytools
Forked from jquerytools/jquerytoolsThe missing UI library for the Web
keeyipchan / jquery
Forked from jquery/jqueryjQuery JavaScript Library
keeyipchan / morf
Forked from joelambert/morfA Javascript work-around for hardware accelerated CSS3 transitions with custom easing functions
keeyipchan / Cachey
Forked from jeremyckahn/CacheyA caching plugin for jQuery
keeyipchan / proper
Forked from vectorsize/substance-textA Semantic Rich Text Editor
Drag stuff around! For forever and ever!
keeyipchan / tween.js
Forked from tweenjs/tween.jsJavascript tweening engine
keeyipchan / UglifyJS
Forked from mishoo/UglifyJS-oldJavaScript parser / mangler / compressor / beautifier library for NodeJS
keeyipchan / bean
Forked from fat/beanan events api for javascript
keeyipchan / c-qwncr
Forked from jeremyckahn/c-qwncrA tiny JavaScript animation sequencing library
keeyipchan / shifty
Forked from jeremyckahn/shiftyA teeny tiny tweening engine in JavaScript. That's all it does.
Utilities for monitoring with Nagios
keeyipchan / pnp4nagios
Forked from lingej/pnp4nagiosPNP is an addon to Nagios which analyzes performance data provided by plugins and stores them automatically into RRD-databases.
keeyipchan / cucumber-nagios
Forked from auxesis/cucumber-nagiosSystems testing plugin for Nagios with Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize + Net::SSH
keeyipchan / testswarm
Forked from jquery/testswarmDistributed continuous integration testing for JavaScript.
keeyipchan / EaselJS
Forked from CreateJS/EaselJSThe Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier. Join the google grou…
keeyipchan / smoke.js
Forked from jyoungblood/smoke.jsframework-agnostic styled alert system for javascript