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[ICRA'2024] Rethinking Imitation-based Planner for Autonomous Driving
[IROS 2024] A 3D Global Descriptor For Loop Closure Detection. NDT-Map-Code.
ROS package to fuse together IMU and wheel encoders in an EKF. Implemented in both C++ and Python. C++ version runs in real time.
This robot lcoalisation package for lidar-map based localisation using multi-sensor state estimation.
Range Image-based LiDAR Localization for Autonomous Vehicles Using Mesh Maps (chen2021icra)
This github is a supplementary material including data, code, trained model and demo for the paper "NDT-Transformer: Large-Scale 3D Point Cloud Localisation using the Normal Distribution Transform …
[ROS package] Online Learning for Human Detection in 3D Point Clouds
L-CAS 3D Point Cloud Annotation Tool
[ROS package] Lightweight and Accurate Point Cloud Clustering
The visual-based navigation stack, AdMALL project, University of Shffield
This is the Vision System (Object Dection & Recognition) for EU H2020 project RoMaNs
EU Long-term Dataset with Multiple Sensors for Autonomous Driving