A maximalist Reviung-inspired keyboard with RGB LED support, an OLED display, a rotary encoder, and a breakaway arrow cluster.
Robotic hand university course project (hardware)
Macropad with ISO Enter and RGB LEDs for funzies
In case you were careless or just a victim of Duracells.
Firmware for the DodecaRGB PCB model powered by Teensy 4.1 and 1248 LEDs
PCB ruler featuring an ESP-32 module, 1.69" IPS screen running retro-go
Laboratory Instrumentation Amplifier with bipolar inputs, 16bit 1MSPS ADC, SPI for Teensy, Arduino
Repositorio para la tarea del curso IE0313 sobre el diseño de una PCB de una fuente de alimentación para un Walkie-Talkie.
This project uses PIC18F26J50 to read RPM using an encoder sensor witn a simple DC motor.
TCP/IP packet encoding terminal based on W5500-EVB-Pico and Raspberry Pi Pico W
PCB Visit Card designed around nRF 52832 Nordic chip
Production optimized PCB for the STM32 based nerve controller firmware
Low cost, low part count CH32V003-based oscilloscope
IOT BandSelector (also known as a Band Decoder) works with Antenna Switch Controller to perform automated antenna selection on band change
A space-graded truly-random and up to D32 electronic dice that operates on a quantum operated phenomenon called avalanche effect!
32x IMU array sensor board based on ICM-42688-P and ICE40UP5K
Travel-ready Version of Settlers of Catan using PCBs as the tiles
Simple and experimental (class-E driven) SSB transceiver.
A annoying device that imitates the vibration of a phone
Spectrum analyser displayed on a LED matrix board connected to a STM32 device