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Apollo notes (Apollo学习笔记) - Apollo learning notes for beginners.
ROS-Industrial Universal Robots support (
《概率机器人》课后习题详解。Detailed Solutions for exercises of book "Probabilistic Robotics" in both English & Chinese.
This project is supporting code for the book of Robot SLAM Navigation Core Technology and the Actual Combat.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for mobile robot navigation in ROS Gazebo simulator. Using Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (TD3) neural network, a robot learns to navigate to a random g…
Indoor robot system simulation based on ROS. 基于ROS的室内机器人系统仿真(北京航空航天大学计算机学院-智能机器人环境感知与路径规划课程项目-暨第三十届冯如杯科技竞赛参赛项目)
A grasp simulation environment in gazebo: UR robot arm with a 85mm robotiq gripper that can be drived to grasp things through moveit
This repository provides codes for control and interface of rg2 gripper with ROS, MoveIt using UR10 manipulator
This package enables an UR5 arm with a Robotiq 85 Gripper to be used with ros_control and MoveIt!. A Microsoft Kinect is used to create an Octomap.
Reinforcement learning using rlkit, UR5, Robotiq gripper on ROS(Robot Operating System)
ROS packages enabling the control, visualization and simulation of the Robotiq 2 Fingers Adaptive Grippers model version C3
This package enables an UR5 arm with a Robotiq 140 Gripper to be used with ros_control and MoveIt!. OpenNI Kinect Camera Plugin used to capture the scene in Gazebo simulation.
ur5+robotiq_85_gripper gazebo grasping
Universal Robot (UR5) Pick and Place Simulation in ROS-Gazebo with a USB Cam and Vacuum Grippers
Gazebo database of SDF models. This is a predecessor to
Developed for aubo robot (
aubo robot meta-package.
🎬 ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video.