This project contains the code to use custom fasttext embeddings with flair framework.
An easy-to-use application for glitch art made with python
Comprehensive list of known attack vectors and common anti-patterns
Find NFTs by contract or token id using the Covalent api.
The smart contract security training ground for developers, security researchers and educators.
A zero-knowledge protocol for anonymous interactions.
zkSNARK implementation in JavaScript & WASM
Faster & cheaper contract key-value storage for Ethereum Contracts
A compilation of patterns and best practices for the smart contract programming language Solidity
Examples of Solidity security issues
Utility Solidity library composed of basic operations for tightly packed bytes arrays
The Ethereum Improvement Proposal repository
Snapshot voting strategies
EmuFlight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft.
📘 Quick and Easy TypeScript Express Starter
A general-purpose Cadence contract for trading NFTs on Flow
The non-fungible token standard on the Flow blockchain
Leveraging BERT and c-TF-IDF to create easily interpretable topics.
Camel Kafka Connector allows you to use all Camel components as Kafka Connect connectors
Bartosz Milewski's 'Category Theory for Programmers' unofficial PDF and LaTeX source
Python Stream Processing. A Faust fork