ETH Zürich
- Zürich, CH
- Pro
A Proximal Interior Point Quadratic Programming solver
A Python-embedded modeling language for convex optimization problems.
Publication-ready visualization of 3D objects and point clouds in seconds.
A light-weight, Eigen-based C++ library for trajectory optimization for legged robots.
High-performance quantum systems simulation with JAX (GPU-accelerated & differentiable solvers).
Data Driven Dynamics Modeling for Aerial Vehicles
JAX implementation of the JKOnet* architecture presented in "Learning Diffusion at Lightspeed".
Nonlinear optimisation (root-finding, least squares, ...) in JAX+Equinox. https://docs.kidger.site/optimistix/
Source code for a video on computing Fibonacci numbers efficiently
A small collection of Kalman Filters on Lie groups
Optimizing Dynamic Programming-Based Algorithms
Optimal transport tools implemented with the JAX framework, to get differentiable, parallel and jit-able computations.
Code for Policy Bifurcation in Safe Reinforcement Learning
TORAX: Tokamak transport simulation in JAX
Optimal trajectory planning for light vehicles in non-uniform and unsteady flow fields
Interpolation and function approximation with JAX
Turn jitted jax functions back into python source code
A web port of Marble Blast Gold and Marble Blast Platinum.
Aim 💫 — An easy-to-use & supercharged open-source experiment tracker.
Fast and Easy Infinite Neural Networks in Python