- United Colonies
wordpress-nginx-docker Public
WordPress FPM / MySQL / Nginx - Orchestrated with Docker Compose
jenkins-nginx-docker Public
Jenkins LTS / Nginx - Orchestrated with Docker Compose
sonarqube-ce-docker Public
SonarQube LTS / PostgreSQL / Nginx - Orchestrated with Docker Compose
ohif-orthanc-dimse-docker Public
OHIF Viewer and Orthanc (core with plugins) defined as docker-compose services
irods-provider-postgres Public
iRODS catalog provider in Docker - PostgreSQL ICAT - versions 4.1.x and 4.2.x
django-startproject-docker Public
Generates the files needed for a production ready Django deployment in Docker. Custom user model, PostgreSQL database backend, uWSGI Python server, Nginx web server with self-signed SSL certificate…
vault-consul-docker Public
HashiCorp Vault with Consul backend in Docker
singularity-in-docker Public
Use Docker to explore the various components of Singularity
irods-icommands Public
iRODS iCommands in Docker - version 4.1.x and 4.2.x
rstudio Public
Singularity R: rstudio desktop image
nfs-in-docker Public
NFS version 3 server and client in docker
irods-provider-cockroachdb Public
iRODS provider using CockroachDB as ICAT backend in Docker
singularity-gephi Public
Singularity Gephi: The Open Graph Viz Platform
Roff MIT License UpdatedMay 10, 2018 -
singularity-irods-icommands Public
Singularity iRODS: iCommands
orca5 Public
Forked from RENCI-NRIG/orca5ORCA5 Software
Java Eclipse Public License 1.0 UpdatedMar 19, 2018 -
hadoop Public
Apache Hadoop - Docker distribution based on CentOS 7 and Oracle Java 8
zookeeper Public
Apache ZooKeeper - Docker distribution based on CentOS 7 and Oracle Java 8
irods-consumer Public
iRODS catalog consumer in Docker - versions 4.1.x and 4.2.x
irods-provider-galera Public
iRODS v.4.2.x provider with ICAT backend in MariaDB Galera cluster
grav-nginx Public
Debian Stretch Docker based Grav installation using Nginx
swagger-demo Public
Brief tutorial on swagger, swaggerhub, generating clients and other miscellany
hugo-theme-docdock Public
Forked from vjeantet/hugo-theme-docdockDeclination of @matcornic Learn theme to Hugo
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2017 -
mariadb-galera Public
MariaDB Galera Cluster in CentOS 7 in Docker
jupyter-notebook Public
Jupyter Notebook virtualenv install for OS X Python3 from brew
Shell UpdatedMay 18, 2017 -