Maintainer: Mike Lin @DNAmlin
Project VCF (pVCF; aka multi-sample VCF) is the prevailing file format for small genetic variants discovered by cohort sequencing. It encodes a two-dimensional matrix with variant sites down the rows and study participants across the columns, filled in with all the genotypes and associated QC measures (read depths, genotype likelihoods, etc.). Large cohorts harbor many rare variants, implying a sparse genotype matrix composed largely of reference-homozygous or non-called cells. But the dense pVCF format encodes this inefficiently, growing super-linearly with the cohort size.
spVCF is an evolution of VCF that keeps most aspects of its tab-delimited text format, but presents the genotype matrix sparsely, by selectively reducing QC measure entropy and run-length encoding repetitive information about reference coverage. This is less sophisticated than some other efforts to address VCF's density and other shortcomings, but perhaps more palatable to existing VCF consumers by virtue of simplicity.
Further resources:
- bioRxiv preprint for a short manuscript on the approach & tool
- doc/ has complete details and a worked example
- doc/ tests spVCF with N=50K exomes, observing up to 15X size reduction for bgzip-compressed pVCF, and scaling much more gently with N.
- slide deck presented at the GA4GH & MPEG-G Genome Compression Workshop, October 2018.
- NEW: spVCF files for the resequenced 1000 Genomes Project cohort (N=2,504 WGS)
This repository has a command-line utility for encoding pVCF to spVCF and vice versa. The Releases page has pre-built executables compatible with most Linux x86-64 hosts, which you can download and chmod +x spvcf
. To build and test it yourself, clone this repository and:
cmake . && make
ctest -V
The subcommands spvcf encode
and spvcf decode
encode existing pVCF to spVCF and vice versa. The input and output streams are uncompressed VCF text, so you may wish to arrange a pipe with [de]compression programs like bgzip
spvcf encode [options] [in.vcf|-]
Reads VCF text from standard input if filename is empty or -
-o,--output out.spvcf Write to out.spvcf instead of standard output
-n,--no-squeeze Disable lossy QC squeezing transformation (lossless run-encoding only)
-p,--period P Ensure checkpoints (full dense rows) at this period or less (default: 1000)
-t,--threads N Use multithreaded encoder with this number of worker threads
-q,--quiet Suppress statistics printed to standard error
-h,--help Show this help message
spvcf decode [options] [in.spvcf|-]
Reads spVCF text from standard input if filename is empty or -
-o,--output out.vcf Write to out.vcf instead of standard output
-q,--quiet Suppress statistics printed to standard error
-h,--help Show this help message
$ ./spvcf encode my.vcf > my.spvcf
$ bgzip -dc my.vcf.gz | ./spvcf encode | bgzip -c > my.spvcf.gz
$ bgzip -dc my.spvcf.gz | ./spvcf decode > my.decoded.vcf
There's also spvcf squeeze
to apply the QC squeezing transformation to a pVCF, without the sparse quote-encoding. This produces valid pVCF that's typically much smaller, although not as small as spVCF.
The multithreaded encoder should be used only if the single-threaded version is a proven bottleneck. It's capable of higher throughput in favorable circumstances, but trades off memory usage and copying. The memory usage scales with threads and period.
If the familiar bgzip
and tabix -p vcf
utilities are used to block-compress and index a spVCF file, then spvcf tabix
can take a genomic range slice from it, extracting spVCF which decodes standalone. (The regular tabix
utility generates the index, but using it to take the slice would yield a broken fragment.) Internally, this entails decoding a small bit of the spVCF, determined by the spvcf encode --period
spvcf tabix [options] in.spvcf.gz chr1:1000-2000 [chr2 ...]
Requires tabix index present e.g. in.spvcf.gz.tbi. Includes all header lines.
-o,--output out.spvcf Write to out.spvcf instead of standard output
-h,--help Show this help message
$ ./spvcf encode my.vcf | bgzip -c > my.spvcf.gz
$ tabix -p vcf my.spvcf.gz
$ ./spvcf tabix my.spvcf.gz chr21:5143000-5219900 | ./spvcf decode > slice.vcf
Any engagement with this open-source repository promotes the project's vitality. Pull requests, opening issues, adding comments, experience reports, ideas and critiques, are all welcome. Please don't be shy!