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mohsensadr committed Jan 2, 2025
1 parent 2ffe576 commit 8a10185
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Showing 3 changed files with 756 additions and 658 deletions.
658 changes: 0 additions & 658 deletions OCD.ipynb

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497 changes: 497 additions & 0 deletions examples/NormalSwissRoll.ipynb

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259 changes: 259 additions & 0 deletions src/
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@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import wasserstein_distance as wd
import time
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.stats import linregress
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

def rangesearch(x, e):
## This function is used to find particle ids within a radius e
tree = BallTree(x)
ind = tree.query_radius(x, r=e)
return ind

def compute_cond(idx, y):
## This function computes piecewise constant approximation to the conditional expectation
# Flatten idx and create an offset array
flat_idx = np.concatenate(idx)
lens = [len(i) for i in idx]

# Use np.add.reduceat to sum the elements
sums = np.add.reduceat(y[flat_idx], np.r_[0, np.cumsum(lens[:-1])])

avg = sums/np.array(lens)[:,None]

return avg

def compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(X_m, Y_m, Idx_m, NparticleThreshold = 4):
## This function computes piecewise linear approximation to the conditional expectation

# Flatten idx_m and create an offset array
flat_idx = np.concatenate(Idx_m)
lens = np.array([len(i) for i in Idx_m])

# Repeating indices for broadcasting
repeats = np.repeat(np.arange(len(Idx_m)), lens)

# Calculate the means for each group
X_m_means = np.add.reduceat(X_m[flat_idx], np.r_[0, np.cumsum(lens[:-1])]) / lens[:, None]
Y_m_means = np.add.reduceat(Y_m[flat_idx], np.r_[0, np.cumsum(lens[:-1])]) / lens[:, None]

# Initialize the result array with Y_m_means
y_Cond_x_m = Y_m_means.copy()

# Handle cases with more than one neighbor
valid_idx = lens > NparticleThreshold

if np.any(valid_idx):
# Centering X_m and Y_m for valid indices
X_m_centered = X_m[flat_idx] - X_m_means[repeats]
Y_m_centered = Y_m[flat_idx] - Y_m_means[repeats]

# Compute J_idx and sigma_x for valid indices
J_idx = np.add.reduceat(X_m_centered[:, :, None] * Y_m_centered[:, None, :], np.r_[0, np.cumsum(lens[:-1])]) / lens[:, None, None]
sigma_x = np.add.reduceat(X_m_centered[:, :, None] * X_m_centered[:, None, :], np.r_[0, np.cumsum(lens[:-1])]) / lens[:, None, None]

# Inverse of sigma_x (using pseudo-inverse to handle singular matrices)
sigma_x_inv = np.linalg.pinv(sigma_x[valid_idx])

# Compute X_m difference for valid indices
X_m_diff = X_m[valid_idx] - X_m_means[valid_idx]

# Compute the conditional expectations y_Cond_x for valid indices
y_Cond_x_m[valid_idx] = Y_m_means[valid_idx] + np.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', J_idx[valid_idx] @ sigma_x_inv, X_m_diff)

return y_Cond_x_m

def find_nclusters(x, y, eps):
## This function finds the number of clusters using DBSCAN
# inputs: x: (N,dim),
# y: (Np,dim),
# eps: bandwidth
# output: number of clusters
joint = np.concatenate([x,y],axis=1)

clustering = DBSCAN(eps=1*eps, min_samples=1).fit(joint)

labels = clustering.labels_

return len(set(labels)) - (1 if -1 in labels else 0)

def find_opt_eps2(X0, Y0, log_eps_range=[-3,1], nepss = 10, perc=0.95):
## This function finds the maximum bandwidth epsilon where N_cluster/Np>perc
# inputs: X0: (N,dim),
# Y0: (Np,dim),
# log_eps_range: the range to consider for eps in logarithmic scale
# nepss: number of grid points
# prec: the criteria for finding maximum bandwidth where N_cluster/Np>perc
# outputs: eps0: the estimated optimal bandwidth

N = X0.shape[0]
epss = np.logspace(log_eps_range[0],log_eps_range[1],nepss)
nclusters = np.zeros(nepss)
for i in range(nepss):
eps = epss[i]
X = X0.copy()
Y = Y0.copy()
nclusters[i] = find_nclusters(X, Y, eps)

if nclusters[i] < perc*N:
eps0 = epss[i]
return eps0

def ocd_map(X00, Y00, dt=0.01, Nt=1000, sigma=0.1, epsX=None, epsY=None, tol=1e-14, minNt = 100, NparticleThreshold=10):
## This function finds the map between X and Y by solving OCD dynamics using Euler method
# inputs: X: (N,dim),
# Y: (Np,dim),
# dt: time step size,
# Nt: number of steps
# sigma: the kernel bandwidth for computing conditional expectation
# tol: convergence tolerance
# minNt: minimum number of iterations
# NparticleThreshold: number of particles as the threshold to switch between
# piecewse constant and linear approximation of conditional expectation
# outputs: X (N,dim),
# Y (Np,dim)
# dists: history of W2 distance
# err_m2X, err_m2Y: history of the error in 2nd order moments for X and Y
if epsX is None:
epsX = sigma
if epsY is None:
epsY = sigma

X = X00.copy()
Y = Y00.copy()
m2X = np.mean(X00, axis=0)
m2Y = np.mean(Y00, axis=0)

np_particles, d = Y.shape

y_Cond_x = np.zeros_like(X) # Initialize Y conditional X
x_Cond_y = np.zeros_like(Y) # Initialize X conditional Y

err_m2X = []
err_m2Y = []
dists = []
dists.append(np.mean(np.sum((X - Y) ** 2, axis=1)))

rx = epsX
ry = epsY

for it in range(Nt):
if it % 1000 == 0 and it>0:
print("it: ", it, " dist: ", dists[it])
err_m2X.append(abs(m2X-np.mean(X, axis=0)))
err_m2Y.append(abs(m2Y-np.mean(Y, axis=0)))

X0 = X.copy()
Y0 = Y.copy()

# Update X and Y
X = X0 + (Y0 - y_Cond_x) * dt
Y = Y0 + (X0 - x_Cond_y) * dt

# Finding neighbors of X in eps
Idx = rangesearch(X, rx)
Idy = rangesearch(Y, ry)

y_Cond_x = compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(X, Y, Idx, NparticleThreshold)
x_Cond_y = compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(Y, X, Idy, NparticleThreshold)

## keep a history of W2 distance
dists.append(np.mean(np.sum((X - Y) ** 2, axis=1)))
if it>minNt:
if abs(dists[it+1]-dists[it]) < tol:
return X, Y, dists, err_m2X, err_m2Y

def ocd_map_RK4(X00, Y00, dt=0.01, Nt=1000, sigma=0.1, epsX=None, epsY=None, tol=1e-14, minNt = 100, NparticleThreshold=10):
## This function finds the map between X and Y by solving OCD dynamics using RK4
# inputs: X: (N,dim),
# Y: (Np,dim),
# dt: time step size,
# Nt: number of steps
# sigma: the kernel bandwidth for computing conditional expectation
# tol: convergence tolerance
# minNt: minimum number of iterations
# NparticleThreshold: number of particles as the threshold to switch between
# piecewse constant and linear approximation of conditional expectation
# outputs: X (N,dim),
# Y (Np,dim)
# dists: history of W2 distance
# err_m2X, err_m2Y: history of the error in 2nd order moments for X and Y
if epsX is None:
epsX = sigma
if epsY is None:
epsY = sigma

X = X00.copy()
Y = Y00.copy()
m2X = np.mean(X00, axis=0)
m2Y = np.mean(Y00, axis=0)

np_particles, d = Y.shape

y_Cond_x = np.zeros_like(X) # Initialize Y conditional X
x_Cond_y = np.zeros_like(Y) # Initialize X conditional Y

err_m2X = []
err_m2Y = []
dists = []
dists.append(np.mean(np.sum((X - Y) ** 2, axis=1)))

rx = epsX
ry = epsY

for it in range(Nt):
if it % 1000 == 0 and it>0:
print("it: ", it, " dist: ", dists[it])
err_m2X.append(abs(m2X-np.mean(X, axis=0)))
err_m2Y.append(abs(m2Y-np.mean(Y, axis=0)))

X0 = X.copy()
Y0 = Y.copy()

k1_X = (Y0 - y_Cond_x) * dt
k1_Y = (X0 - x_Cond_y) * dt
X_mid = X0 + 0.5 * k1_X
Y_mid = Y0 + 0.5 * k1_Y
Idx_mid = rangesearch(X_mid, rx)
Idy_mid = rangesearch(Y_mid, ry)
y_Cond_x_mid = compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(X_mid, Y_mid, Idx_mid, NparticleThreshold)
x_Cond_y_mid = compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(Y_mid, X_mid, Idy_mid, NparticleThreshold)
k2_X = (Y_mid - y_Cond_x_mid) * dt
k2_Y = (X_mid - x_Cond_y_mid) * dt
X_mid = X0 + 0.5 * k2_X
Y_mid = Y0 + 0.5 * k2_Y
Idx_mid = rangesearch(X_mid, rx)
Idy_mid = rangesearch(Y_mid, ry)
y_Cond_x_mid = compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(X_mid, Y_mid, Idx_mid, NparticleThreshold)
x_Cond_y_mid = compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(Y_mid, X_mid, Idy_mid, NparticleThreshold)
k3_X = (Y_mid - y_Cond_x_mid) * dt
k3_Y = (X_mid - x_Cond_y_mid) * dt
X_end = X0 + k3_X
Y_end = Y0 + k3_Y
Idx_end = rangesearch(X_end, rx)
Idy_end = rangesearch(Y_end, ry)
y_Cond_x_end = compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(X_end, Y_end, Idx_end, NparticleThreshold)
x_Cond_y_end = compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(Y_end, X_end, Idy_end, NparticleThreshold)
k4_X = (Y_end - y_Cond_x_end) * dt
k4_Y = (X_end - x_Cond_y_end) * dt
X = X0 + (k1_X + 2*k2_X + 2*k3_X + k4_X) / 6
Y = Y0 + (k1_Y + 2*k2_Y + 2*k3_Y + k4_Y) / 6

Idx = rangesearch(X, rx)
Idy = rangesearch(Y, ry)
y_Cond_x = compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(X, Y, Idx, NparticleThreshold)
x_Cond_y = compute_cond_vectorized_no_loop(Y, X, Idy, NparticleThreshold)

## keep a history of W2 distance
dists.append(np.mean(np.sum((X - Y) ** 2, axis=1)))
if it>minNt:
if abs(dists[it+1]-dists[it]) < tol:
return X, Y, dists, err_m2X, err_m2Y

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