Docker image to run on a computer connected to an iRobot Create 2 robot to control it with the keyboard.
Everything you need to get started using a Rasqberry Pi to control a iRobot Create2 educational robot
ROS tutorial on iRobot Create2 robot control and CV based object detection by Purdue SMART lab
iRobot Create 2 model description for Webots
A node.js API for interacting with an iRobot Create/Create2 or Roomba 600 Series. Because robots are fun.
A python library for controlling the iRobot Create2
Node.js API for Roomba 600 Series & iRobot Create 2
A web app for programming Root Robots in Python
Visualizing Cell Structures with Minecraft
Root Robot Bluetooth Low Energy Protocol Documentation
Python SDK for iRobot Edu robots (Root or Create 3)
21 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗
Generate any location from the real world in Minecraft Java Edition with a high level of detail.
bRTX PBR resource pack based on Vanilla Normal Renewed
Mass inventory update tool for Jamf Pro utilizing Google Sheets.
Reconstruct Watertight Meshes from Point Clouds [SIGGRAPH 2020]
Extension Attributes for use in JAMF Software's Casper Suite
MinecraftConnectionBE is a command sending library for MinecraftBE or Minecraft Education. It can be useful for automation and programming learning.
Extension of Sonic Pi to support Minecraft Java Edition 1.12 blocks and entities. Intended for use with the RaspberryJuice plugin.
This is a private fork repository of .
A proof-of-concept tool to convert PLATEAU's 3D city models (CityGML) of Japan into various geospatial formats, including 3D Tiles, MVT, and GeoPackage.