Bendcircular GmbH
- Hamburg
- https://www.bendcircular.com
- @__litzi__
kickstart.nvim Public
Forked from nvim-lua/kickstart.nvimA launch point for your personal nvim configuration
Lua MIT License UpdatedMar 20, 2023 -
internet-identity Public
Forked from dfinity/internet-identityInternet Identity, a blockchain authentication system for the Internet Computer
agent-js Public
Forked from dfinity/agent-jsA collection of libraries and tools for building software around the Internet Computer, in JavaScript.
cdk-rs Public
Forked from dfinity/cdk-rsRust canister development kit for the Internet Computer.
reversi Public
Forked from ninegua/reversiMultiplayer Reversi Game on Internet Computer
examples Public
Forked from dfinity/examplesExample applications, microservices, and code samples for the Internet Computer
list-of-tech-freelancers-in-germany Public
Forked from lassediercks/list-of-tech-freelancers-in-germanyA non curated list of tech freelancers in germany
1 UpdatedNov 24, 2019 -
3drepo.io Public
Forked from 3drepo/3drepo.io3D Repo web server
react-md Public
Forked from mlaursen/react-mdReact material design
graphene-auth-examples Public
Forked from creimers/graphene-auth-examplesExamples of authentication and authorization with django graphene
tmuxp Public
Forked from tmux-python/tmuxp💻 tmux session manager and python library
etc-nixos Public
Forked from solson/etc-nixosNixOS configuration for my systems