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iOS library to integrate Airomo Search API into iOS project. The library uses ARC and requires at least iOS 6.0.


  • Xcode 6+
  • iOS 6+ target deployment
  • armv7, armv7s, arm64 devices and the simulator (not armv6)
  • iPhone and iPad of all sizes and resolutions

##Getting Started

Follow steps described below to install AiromoSDK framework:

  • Register your application on Airomo API website. Make sure you got your 'clientId', 'clientKey' and application 'id'.

  • Download latest version of AiromoSDK with example project from Airomo iOS SDK repository.

  • Drag&Drop "AiromoSDK.framework" (containing libAiromoSDK.a and Headers) and "AiromoSDK.bundle" (containing resources) into your project's "Frameworks" section.

  • Select application Target in 'Targets' section. Search for "library search" and then add the '$(srcroot)AiromoSDK' into "Library Search Path".

  • Import the <AiromoSDK/AiromoSDK.h> into application delegate (usually called AppDelegate.m) and configure Airomo SDK with your 'clientId', 'clientKey':

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions 
	// set the Airomo clientId and apiKey. You need to register your app here:
	[AIManager setupWithClientId:@"YOUR_CLIENT_ID" apiKey:@"YOUR_API_KEY"];
	//your application specific code
    return YES;	
  • To call API and show results in modal view - import <AiromoSDK/AiromoSDK.h> and use code:
	AIManager *manager = [AIManager sharedManager];
	//set query or metakeywords and/or url or tags for  contextual search 
	manager.query = @"angry birds";
	manager.metaKeywords = @"arcade game,shooter game";
	manager.url = @"http://some.url";
	manager.tags = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"game",@"birds",nil];
	manager.price = AIPricePaid;// AIPricePaid - for paid applications, AIPriceFree - for free applications, don't set this property for both paid and free applications
	manager.phoneListType = AIPhoneListTypeList; //AIPhoneListTypeTile - display apps as tiles, AIPhoneListTypeList - display apps in table list
	//MY_PARTNER_ID and MY_CHANNEL_ID must be replaced with your own values
	[manager showApplicationsWithPartnerId:MY_PARTNER_ID
                                    withOffset:0 //offset to display next 'page' with apps
                                      withSize:10 //number of apps per one 'page'
	                                withAdSize:2 //number of sponsored apps per one 'page'
    	                          withAdOffset:0 //offset to display next 'page' with sponsored apps                              
                         withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error)
             if (error) 
                 [[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"" message:[error localizedDescription] delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil] show];

If you have own UI style, you can receive search results as JSON by calling this method:

	AIManager *manager = [AIManager sharedManager];
	//set query or metakeywords and/or url or tags for  contextual search 
	manager.query = @"angry birds";
	manager.metaKeywords = @"arcade game,shooter game";
	manager.url = @"http://some.url";
	manager.tags = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"game",@"birds",nil];
	manager.price = AIPricePaid;// AIPricePaid - for paid applications, AIPriceFree - for free applications, don't set this property for both paid and free applications
	//MY_PARTNER_ID and MY_CHANNEL_ID must be replaced with your own values
	[manager searchApplicationsWithPartnerId:MY_PARTNER_ID
                                    withOffset:0 //offset to display next 'page' with apps
                                      withSize:10 //number of apps per one 'page'
	                                withAdSize:2 //number of sponsored apps per one 'page'
    	                          withAdOffset:0 //offset to display next 'page' with sponsored apps                              
                         withCompletionHandler:^(NSError *error)
             if (error) 
                 [[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"" message:[error localizedDescription] delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil] show];
  • Congratulations! You are done.


Contextual app search SDK for iOS apps.






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