Shrine is a toolkit for file attachments in Ruby applications. Some highlights:
- Modular design – the plugin system allows you to load only the functionality you need
- Memory friendly – streaming uploads and downloads make it work great with large files
- Cloud storage – store files on disk, AWS S3, Google Cloud, Cloudinary and others
- ORM integrations – works with Sequel, ActiveRecord, Hanami::Model and Mongoid
- Flexible processing – generate thumbnails on upload or on-the-fly using ImageMagick or libvips
- Metadata validation – validate files based on extracted metadata
- Direct uploads – upload asynchronously to your app or to the cloud using Uppy
- Resumable uploads – make large file uploads resumable on S3 or tus
- Background jobs – built-in support for background processing that supports any backgrounding library
If you're curious how it compares to other file attachment libraries, see the Advantages of Shrine.
Resource | URL |
Website | |
Demo code | Roda / Rails |
Source | |
Wiki | |
Bugs | |
Help & Discussion | |
- Quick start
- Storage
- Uploader
- Uploaded file
- Attachment
- Attacher
- Plugin system
- Metadata
- Processing
- Validation
- Context
- Location
- Direct uploads
- Backgrounding
- Clearing cache
- Logging
- Settings
Add Shrine to the Gemfile and write an initializer which sets up the storage and loads the ORM plugin:
# Gemfile
gem "shrine", "~> 2.0"
require "shrine"
require "shrine/storage/file_system"
Shrine.storages = {
cache:"public", prefix: "uploads/cache"), # temporary
store:"public", prefix: "uploads"), # permanent
Shrine.plugin :sequel # or :activerecord
Shrine.plugin :cached_attachment_data # for retaining the cached file across form redisplays
Shrine.plugin :restore_cached_data # re-extract metadata when attaching a cached file
Shrine.plugin :rack_file # for non-Rails apps
Next decide how you will name the attachment attribute on your model, and run a
migration that adds an <attachment>_data
text or JSON column, which Shrine
will use to store all information about the attachment:
Sequel.migration do
change do
add_column :photos, :image_data, :text
In Rails with ActiveRecord the migration would look similar:
$ rails generate migration add_image_data_to_photos image_data:text
class AddImageDataToPhotos < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :photos, :image_data, :text
Now you can create an uploader class for the type of files you want to upload,
and add a virtual attribute for handling attachments using this uploader to
your model. If you do not care about adding plugins or additional processing,
you can use Shrine::Attachment
class ImageUploader < Shrine
# plugins and uploading logic
class Photo < Sequel::Model # ActiveRecord::Base
include # adds an `image` virtual attribute
Let's now add the form fields which will use this virtual attribute. We need (1) a file field for choosing files, and (2) a hidden field for retaining the uploaded file in case of validation errors and for potential direct uploads.
# with Rails form builder:
form_for @photo do |f|
f.hidden_field :image, value: @photo.cached_image_data
f.file_field :image
# with Simple Form:
simple_form_for @photo do |f|
f.input :image, as: :hidden, input_html: { value: @photo.cached_image_data }
f.input :image, as: :file
f.button :submit
# with Forme:
form @photo, action: "/photos", enctype: "multipart/form-data" do |f|
f.input :image, type: :hidden, value: @photo.cached_image_data
f.input :image, type: :file
f.button "Create"
Note that the file field needs to go after the hidden field, so that
selecting a new file can always override the cached file in the hidden field.
Also notice the enctype="multipart/form-data"
HTML attribute, which is
required for submitting files through the form (the Rails form builder
will automatically generate this for you).
Now in your router/controller the attachment request parameter can be assigned to the model like any other attribute:
# In Rails:
class PhotosController < ApplicationController
def create
# ...
# In Sinatra:
post "/photos" do
# ...
Once a file is uploaded and attached to the record, you can retrieve a URL to
the uploaded file with #<attachment>_url
and display it on the page:
<!-- In Rails: -->
<%= image_tag @photo.image_url %>
<!-- In HTML: -->
<img src="<%= @photo.image_url %>" />
A "storage" in Shrine is an object that encapsulates communication with a
specific storage service, by implementing a common public interface. Storage
instances are registered under an identifier in Shrine.storages
, so that they
can later by used by uploaders.
Previously we've shown the FileSystem storage which saves files to disk, but Shrine also ships with S3 storage which stores files on AWS S3 (or any S3-compatible service such as DigitalOcean Spaces or MinIO).
# Gemfile
gem "aws-sdk-s3", "~> 1.14" # for AWS S3 storage
require "shrine/storage/s3"
s3_options = {
bucket: "<YOUR BUCKET>", # required
access_key_id: "<YOUR ACCESS KEY ID>",
secret_access_key: "<YOUR SECRET ACCESS KEY>",
region: "<YOUR REGION>",
Shrine.storages = {
cache: "cache", **s3_options),
The above example sets up S3 for both temporary and permanent storage, which is
suitable for direct uploads. The :cache
names are special only in terms that the attacher will automatically
pick them up, you can also register more storage objects under different names.
See the FileSystem and S3 storage docs for more details. There are many more Shrine storages provided by external gems, and you can also create your own storage.
Uploaders are subclasses of Shrine
, and they wrap the actual upload to the
storage. They perform common tasks around upload that aren't related to a
particular storage.
class MyUploader < Shrine
# image attachent logic
It's common to create an uploader for each type of file that you want to handle
, VideoUploader
, AudioUploader
etc), but really you can
organize them in any way you like.
The main method of the uploader is #upload
, which takes an IO-like
object and a storage identifier on the input, and returns a
representation of the uploaded file on the output.
MyUploader.upload(file, :store) #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
Internally this instantiates the uploader with the storage and calls #upload
on it:
uploader =
uploader.upload(file) #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
Some of the tasks performed by #upload
- any defined file processing
- extracting metadata
- generating location
- uploading (this is where the storage is called)
- closing the uploaded file
Additional upload options can be passed via :upload_options
, and they will be
forwarded directly to Storage#upload
(see the documentation of your storage
for the list of available options):
uploader.upload(file, upload_options: { acl: "public-read" })
Shrine is able to upload any IO-like object that responds to #read
, #eof?
and #close
. This includes built-in IO and IO-like objects
like File, Tempfile and StringIO.
When a file is uploaded to a Rails app, it will be represented by an
object in the params. This is also an
IO-like object accepted by Shrine. In other Rack applications the uploaded file
will be represented as a Hash, but it can be converted into an IO-like object
with the rack_file
Here are some examples of various IO objects that can be uploaded:
uploader.upload"/path/to/file", binmode: true) # upload from disk
uploader.upload"file content") # upload from memory
uploader.upload # upload from Rails controller
uploader.upload Shrine.rack_file({ tempfile: tempfile }) # upload from Rack controller
uploader.upload # upload from rack-test
uploader.upload"") # upload from internet
, the object returned after upload, is itself an IO-like
object as well. This makes it trivial to re-upload a file from one storage to
another, and this is used by the attacher to copy files from temporary to
permanent storage.
The Shrine::UploadedFile
object represents the file that was uploaded to the
storage, and it's what's returned from Shrine#upload
or when retrieving a
record attachment. It contains the following information:
Key | Description |
id |
location of the file on the storage |
storage |
identifier of the storage the file was uploaded to |
metadata |
file metadata that was extracted before upload |
uploaded_file = uploader.upload(file) #=> "949sdjg834.jpg" #=> #<Shrine::Storage::FileSystem>
uploaded_file.metadata #=> {...}
# It can be serialized into JSON and saved to a database column
uploaded_file.to_json #=> '{"id":"949sdjg834.jpg","storage":"store","metadata":{...}}'
It comes with many convenient methods that delegate to the storage:
uploaded_file.url #=> "" # opens the uploaded file #=> #<File:/var/folders/.../20180302-33119-1h1vjbq.jpg> # streams uploaded content into a writable destination
uploaded_file.exists? #=> true
uploaded_file.delete # deletes the file from the storage
# open/download the uploaded file for the duration of the block { |io| } { |tempfile| }
It also implements the IO-like interface that conforms to Shrine's IO abstraction, which allows it to be uploaded again to other storages. # returns content of the uploaded file
uploaded_file.eof? # returns true if the whole IO was read
uploaded_file.rewind # rewinds the IO
uploaded_file.close # closes the IO
For more details, see the Retrieving Uploads guide and
API docs.
Storages, uploaders, and uploaded file objects are Shrine's foundational components. To help you actually attach uploaded files to database records in your application, Shrine comes with a high-level attachment interface, which is built on top of these components.
Shrine has plugins for hooking into most database libraries, and in case of ActiveRecord and Sequel the plugin will automatically tie the attached files to records' lifecycles. You can also use Shrine just with plain old Ruby objects.
Shrine.plugin :sequel # :activerecord
class Photo < Sequel::Model # ActiveRecord::Base
include #
include ImageUploader::Attachment(:image) # these are all equivalent
include ImageUploader[:image] #
You can choose whichever of these syntaxes you prefer. Either of these
will create a Shrine::Attachment
module with attachment methods for the
specified attribute, which then get added to your model when you include it:
Method | Description |
#image= |
uploads the file to temporary storage and serializes the result into image_data |
#image |
returns Shrine::UploadedFile instantiated from image_data |
#image_url |
calls url on the attachment if it's present, otherwise returns nil |
#image_attacher |
returns instance of Shrine::Attacher which handles the attaching |
The ORM plugin that we loaded adds appropriate callbacks. For example, saving the record uploads the attachment to permanent storage, while deleting the record deletes the attachment.
# no file is attached
photo.image #=> nil
# the assigned file is cached to temporary storage and written to `image_data` column
photo.image ="waterfall.jpg")
photo.image #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile @data={...}>
photo.image_url #=> "/uploads/cache/0sdfllasfi842.jpg"
photo.image_data #=> '{"id":"0sdfllasfi842.jpg","storage":"cache","metadata":{...}}'
# the cached file is promoted to permanent storage and saved to `image_data` column
photo.image #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile @data={...}>
photo.image_url #=> "/uploads/store/l02kladf8jlda.jpg"
photo.image_data #=> '{"id":"l02kladf8jlda.jpg","storage":"store","metadata":{...}}'
# the attached file is deleted with the record
photo.image.exists? #=> false
If there is already a file attached and a new file is attached, the previous attachment will get deleted when the record gets saved.
photo.update(image: new_file) # changes the attachment and deletes previous
# or
photo.update(image: nil) # removes the attachment and deletes previous
In addition to assigning raw files, you can also assign a JSON representation of files that are already uploaded to the temporary storage. This allows Shrine to retain cached files in case of validation errors and handle direct uploads via the hidden form field.
photo.image = '{"id":"9260ea09d8effd.jpg","storage":"cache","metadata":{...}}'
The model attachment attributes and callbacks just delegate the behaviour
to their underlying Shrine::Attacher
photo.image_attacher #=> #<Shrine::Attacher>
The Shrine::Attacher
object can be instantiated and used directly:
attacher =, :image)
attacher.assign(file) # equivalent to `photo.image = file`
attacher.get # equivalent to `photo.image`
attacher.url # equivalent to `photo.image_url`
The attacher is what drives attaching files to model instances, and it functions independently from models' attachment interface. This means that you can use it as an alternative, in case you prefer not to add additional attributes to the model, or prefer explicitness over callbacks. It's also useful when you need something more advanced which isn't available through the attachment methods.
The Shrine::Attacher
by default uses :cache
for temporary and :store
permanent storage, but you can specify a different storage:, :image, cache: :other_cache, store: :other_store)
# OR
photo.image_attacher(cache: :other_cache, store: :other_store)
photo.image = file # uploads to :other_cache storage # promotes to :other_store storage
You can also skip the temporary storage altogether and upload files directly to the primary storage:
uploaded_file =!(file) # upload file directly to permanent storage
attacher.set(uploaded_file) # attach the uploaded file
Whenever the attacher uploads or deletes files, it sends a context
hash which includes :record
, :name
, and :action
keys, so that
you can perform processing or generate location differently depending on this
For more information about Shrine::Attacher
, see the Using Attacher guide.
By default Shrine comes with a small core which provides only the essential functionality. All additional features are available via plugins, which also ship with Shrine. This way you can choose exactly what and how much Shrine does for you, and you load the code only for features that you use.
Shrine.plugin :logging # adds logging
Plugins add behaviour by extending Shrine core classes via module inclusion, and many of them also accept configuration options. The plugin system respects inheritance, so you can choose to load a plugin globally or per uploader.
class ImageUploader < Shrine
plugin :store_dimensions # extract image dimensions only for this uploader and its descendants
If you want to extend Shrine functionality with custom behaviour, you can also create your own plugin.
Shrine automatically extracts some basic file metadata and saves them to the
. You can access them through the #metadata
hash or via
metadata methods:
uploaded_file.metadata #=>
# {
# "filename" => "matrix.mp4",
# "mime_type" => "video/mp4",
# "size" => 345993,
# }
uploaded_file.original_filename #=> "matrix.mp4"
uploaded_file.extension #=> "mp4"
uploaded_file.mime_type #=> "video/mp4"
uploaded_file.size #=> 345993
By default these values are determined from the following attributes on the IO object:
Key | Default source |
filename |
extracted from io.original_filename or io.path |
mime_type |
extracted from io.content_type |
size |
extracted from io.size |
By default, mime_type
will be inherited from #content_type
attribute of the
uploaded file, which is set from the Content-Type
request header. However,
this header is determined by the browser solely based on the file extension.
This means that by default Shrine's mime_type
metadata is not guaranteed to
hold the actual MIME type of the file.
To remedy that, you can load the determine_mime_type
plugin, which will make Shrine extract the MIME type from file
Shrine.plugin :determine_mime_type
photo = Photo.create(image:"<?php ... ?>"))
photo.image.mime_type #=> "text/x-php"
By the default the UNIX file
utility is used to determine the MIME type,
but you can also choose a different analyzer – see the plugin documentation for
more details.
In addition to size
, filename
, and mime_type
, you can also extract image
dimensions using the store_dimensions
plugin, as
well as any custom metadata using the add_metadata
plugin. Check out the Extracting Metadata guide for more details.
Note that you can also manually override extracted metadata by passing the
option to Shrine#upload
uploaded_file = uploader.upload(file, metadata: { "filename" => "Matrix[1999].mp4", "foo" => "bar" })
uploaded_file.original_filename #=> "Matrix[1999].mp4"
uploaded_file.metadata["foo"] #=> "bar"
Shrine allows you to processing attached files either "on upload" or "on-the-fly". For example, if your app is accepting image uploads, you can generate a pre-defined set of of thumbnails as soon as the image is attached to a record ("on upload"), or you can generate necessary thumbnails dynamically as they're needed ("on-the-fly").
In both cases, for image processing you can use the ImageProcessing gem. It provides a convenient unified API for processing with ImageMagick or libvips. Here is an example of generating a thumbnail with ImageProcessing:
$ brew install imagemagick
# Gemfile
gem "image_processing", "~> 1.0"
require "image_processing/mini_magick"
thumbnail = ImageProcessing::MiniMagick
.resize_to_limit!(600, 400)
thumbnail #=> #<Tempfile:...> (thumbnail limited to 600x400)
Shrine allows you intercept when a cached file is being uploaded to permanent storage, and perform any file processing you might want. The result of processing can also be multiple files, such as thumbnails of various dimensions. This processing can additionaly be delayed into a background job.
The promotion hook is provided by the processing
while the ability to save multiple files is provided by the
plugin. Let's set up our uploader to generate
some thumbnails from the attached image:
require "image_processing/mini_magick"
class ImageUploader < Shrine
plugin :processing # allows hooking into promoting
plugin :versions # enable Shrine to handle a hash of files
plugin :delete_raw # delete processed files after uploading
process(:store) do |io, context|
versions = { original: io } # retain original do |original|
pipeline = ImageProcessing::MiniMagick.source(original)
versions[:large] = pipeline.resize_to_limit!(800, 800)
versions[:medium] = pipeline.resize_to_limit!(500, 500)
versions[:small] = pipeline.resize_to_limit!(300, 300)
versions # return the hash of processed files
After these files have been uploaded, their data will all be saved to the
column. The attachment getter will then read them as a Hash
of Shrine::UploadedFile
photo = Photo.create(image: image)
photo.image_data #=>
# '{
# "original": {"id":"9sd84.jpg", "storage":"store", "metadata":{...}},
# "large": {"id":"lg043.jpg", "storage":"store", "metadata":{...}},
# "medium": {"id":"kd9fk.jpg", "storage":"store", "metadata":{...}},
# "small": {"id":"932fl.jpg", "storage":"store", "metadata":{...}}
# }'
photo.image #=>
# {
# :original => #<Shrine::UploadedFile @data={"id"=>"9sd84.jpg", ...}>,
# :large => #<Shrine::UploadedFile @data={"id"=>"lg043.jpg", ...}>,
# :medium => #<Shrine::UploadedFile @data={"id"=>"kd9fk.jpg", ...}>,
# :small => #<Shrine::UploadedFile @data={"id"=>"932fl.jpg", ...}>,
# }
photo.image[:medium] #=> #<Shrine::UploadedFile>
photo.image[:medium].url #=> "/uploads/store/lg043.jpg"
photo.image[:medium].size #=> 5825949
photo.image[:medium].mime_type #=> "image/jpeg"
The versions
plugin also expands #<attachment>_url
to accept version names:
photo.image_url(:large) #=> "https://..."
For more details, see the File Processing guide.
On-the-fly processing is provided by the
plugin. It provides a
mountable Rack app, which on request will call the processing code we defined.
We start by loading the plugin with a secret key and a path prefix to where we'll mount the Rack app, and defining a "derivation" we want the app to call:
require "image_processing/mini_magick"
class ImageUploader < Shrine
plugin :derivation_endpoint,
secret_key: "<YOUR SECRET KEY>",
prefix: "derivations/image"
derivation :thumbnail do |file, width, height|
.resize_to_limit!(width.to_i, height.to_i)
Then we can mount the Rack app into our router (see Mounting Endpoints wiki for other web frameworks):
# config/routes.rb (Rails)
Rails.application.routes.draw do
mount ImageUploader.derivation_endpoint => "derivations/image"
Now we can generate URLs from attached files that on request will call the processing we defined:
photo.image.derivation_url(:thumbnail, "600", "400")
#=> "/derivations/image/thumbnail/600/400/eyJpZCI6ImZvbyIsInN0b3JhZ2UiOiJzdG9yZSJ9?signature=..."
The derivation_endpoint
plugin is highly customizable, for more details see
its documentation.
The #upload
(and #delete
) methods accept a hash of options as the second
argument, which is forwarded down the chain and be available for processing,
extracting metadata and generating location.
uploader.upload(file, { foo: "bar" }) # context hash is forwarded to all tasks around upload
Some options are actually recognized by Shrine (such as :location
, and :metadata
), some are added by plugins, and the rest are
there just to provide additional context, for more flexibility in performing
tasks and more descriptive logging.
The attacher automatically includes additional context
information for each
upload and delete operation:
– model instance where the file is attachedcontext[:name]
– name of the attachment attribute on the modelcontext[:action]
– identifier for the action being performed (:cache
, ...)
class VideoUploader < Shrine
process(:store) do |io, context|
trim_video(io, 300) if context[:record].user.free_plan?
Shrine can perform file validations for files assigned to the model. The
validations are defined inside the Attacher.validate
block, and you can load
the validation_helpers
plugin to get convenient
file validation methods:
class DocumentUploader < Shrine
plugin :validation_helpers
Attacher.validate do
validate_max_size 5*1024*1024, message: "is too large (max is 5 MB)"
validate_mime_type_inclusion %w[application/pdf]
user = ="cv.pdf")
user.valid? #=> false
user.errors.to_hash #=> {:cv=>["is too large (max is 5 MB)"]}
For more details, see the File Validation guide and
plugin docs.
Before Shrine uploads a file, it generates a random location for it. By default
the hierarchy is flat – all files are stored in the root directory of the
storage. The pretty_location
plugin provides a nice
default hierarchy, but you can also override #generate_location
with a custom
class ImageUploader < Shrine
def generate_location(io, context)
type = context[:record] if context[:record]
style = context[:version] == :original ? "originals" : "thumbs" if context[:version]
name = super # the default unique identifier
[type, style, name].compact.join("/")
Note that there should always be a random component in the location, so that
the ORM dirty tracking is detected properly. Inside #generate_location
can also access the extracted metadata through context[:metadata]
When uploading files, you can pass :location
to bypass #generate_location
uploader.upload(file, location: "some/specific/location.mp4")
To improve the user experience, it's recommended to upload files asynchronously as soon they're selected. This way the UI is still responsive during upload, so the user can fill in other fields while the files are being uploaded, and if you display a progress bar they can see when the upload will finish.
These asynchronous uploads will have to go to an endpoint separate from the one
where the form is submitted. This can be an endpoint in your app, or an endpoint of a cloud service. In either case,
the uploads should go to temporary storage (:cache
), to ensure there won't
be any orphan files in the primary storage (:store
Once files are uploaded on the client side, their data can be submitted to the server and attached to a record, just like with raw files. The only difference is that they won't be additionally uploaded to temporary storage on assignment, as they were already uploaded on the client side.
# uploads the file to temporary storage and assigns it
photo.image = file
# assigns the already uploaded file
photo.image = '{"id":"...","storage":"cache","metadata":{...}}'
Note that by default Shrine won't extract metadata from directly uploaded files, instead it will just copy metadata that was extacted on the client side; see this section for the rationale and instructions on how to opt in.
For handling client side uploads it's recommended to use Uppy. Uppy is a very flexible modern JavaScript file upload library, which happens to integrate nicely with Shrine.
The simplest approach is creating an upload endpoint in your app that will
receive uploads and forward them to the specified storage. You can use the
Shrine plugin to create a Rack app
that handles uploads, and mount it inside your application (see Mounting
Endpoints wiki for other web frameworks).
Shrine.plugin :upload_endpoint
# config/routes.rb (Rails)
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# ...
mount ImageUploader.upload_endpoint(:cache) => "/images/upload"
The above will add a POST /images/upload
route to your app. You can now use
Uppy's XHR Upload plugin to upload selected files to this
endpoint, and have the uploaded file data submitted to your app. See this
walkthrough for an example of adding simple direct
uploads from scratch.
If you want to free your app from receiving file uploads, you can also upload files directly to the cloud (AWS S3, Google Cloud etc). In this flow the client is required to first fetch upload parameters from the server, and then use these parameters for the upload request.
You can use the presign_endpoint
Shrine plugin to
create a Rack app that generates these upload parameters (provided that the
underlying storage implements #presign
), and mount it inside your application
(see Mounting Endpoints wiki for other web frameworks):
Shrine.plugin :presign_endpoint
# config/routes.rb (Rails)
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# ...
mount Shrine.presign_endpoint(:cache) => "/s3/params"
The above will add a GET /s3/params
route to your app. You can now hook Uppy's
AWS S3 plugin to this endpoint and have it upload directly to
S3. See this walkthrough that shows adding
direct S3 uploads from scratch, as well as the Direct Uploads to S3 guide that provides some useful tips. Also check out the
Roda / Rails demo app which implements multiple
uploads directly to S3.
If your app is dealing with large uploads (e.g. videos), keep in mind that it can be challening for your users to upload these large files to your app. Many users might not have a great internet connection, and if it happens to break at any point during uploading, they need to retry the upload from the beginning.
This problem has been solved by tus. tus is an open protocol for resumable file uploads, which enables the client and the server to achieve reliable file uploads even on unstable connections, by enabling the upload to be resumed in case of interruptions, even after the browser was closed or the device was shut down.
tus-ruby-server provides a Ruby server implementation of the tus protocol. Uppy's Tus plugin can then be configured to do resumable uploads to a tus-ruby-server instance, and then the uploaded files can be attached to the record with the help of shrine-tus. See this walkthrough that adds resumable uploads from scratch, as well as the demo for a complete example.
# Gemfile
gem "tus-server", "~> 2.0"
# config/routes.rb (Rails)
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# ...
mount Tus::Server => "/files"
Alternatively, you can have resumable uploads directly to S3 using Uppy's AWS S3 Multipart plugin, accompanied with the uppy-s3_multipart gem.
# Gemfile
gem "uppy-s3_multipart", "~> 0.3"
# config/initializers/shrine.rb
# ...
Shrine.plugin :uppy_s3_multipart
# config/routes.rb (Rails)
Rails.application.routes.draw do
# ...
mount Shrine.uppy_s3_multipart(:cache) => "/s3/multipart"
Shrine is the first file attachment library designed for backgrounding support.
Moving phases of managing file attachments to background jobs is essential for
scaling and good user experience, and Shrine provides a
plugin which makes it easy to plug in
your favourite backgrounding library:
Shrine.plugin :backgrounding
Shrine::Attacher.promote { |data| PromoteJob.perform_async(data) }
Shrine::Attacher.delete { |data| DeleteJob.perform_async(data) }
class PromoteJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(data)
class DeleteJob
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(data)
The above puts promoting (uploading cached file to permanent storage) and deleting of files for all uploaders into background jobs using Sidekiq. You can also use any other backgrounding library.
Shrine doesn't automatically delete files uploaded to temporary storage, instead you should set up a separate recurring task that will automatically delete old cached files.
Most of Shrine storage classes come with a #clear!
method, which you can call
in a recurring script. For FileSystem and S3 storage it would look like this:
# FileSystem storage
file_system = Shrine.storages[:cache]
file_system.clear!(older_than: - 7*24*60*60) # delete files older than 1 week
# S3 storage
s3 = Shrine.storages[:cache]
s3.clear! { |object| object.last_modified < - 7*24*60*60 } # delete files older than 1 week
Note that for AWS S3 you can also configure bucket lifecycle rules to do this for you. This can be done either from the AWS Console or via an API call:
require "aws-sdk-s3"
client =
access_key_id: "<YOUR KEY>",
secret_access_key: "<YOUR SECRET>",
region: "<REGION>",
bucket: "<YOUR BUCKET>",
lifecycle_configuration: {
rules: [{
expiration: { days: 7 },
filter: { prefix: "cache/" },
id: "cache-clear",
status: "Enabled"
Shrine ships with the logging
which automatically logs processing, uploading,
and deleting of files. This can be very helpful for debugging and performance
Shrine.plugin :logging
2015-10-09T20:06:06.676Z #25602: STORE[cache] ImageUploader[:avatar] User[29543] 1 file (0.1s)
2015-10-09T20:06:06.854Z #25602: PROCESS[store]: ImageUploader[:avatar] User[29543] 1-3 files (0.22s)
2015-10-09T20:06:07.133Z #25602: DELETE[destroyed]: ImageUploader[:avatar] User[29543] 3 files (0.07s)
Each uploader can store generic settings in the opts
hash, which can be
accessed in other uploader actions. You can store there anything that you find
Shrine.opts[:type] = "file"
class DocumentUploader < Shrine; end
class ImageUploader < Shrine
opts[:type] = "image"
DocumentUploader.opts[:type] #=> "file"
ImageUploader.opts[:type] #=> "image"
Because opts
is cloned in subclasses, overriding settings works with
inheritance. The opts
hash is used internally by plugins to store
Shrine was heavily inspired by Refile and Roda. From Refile it borrows the idea of "backends" (here named "storages"), attachment interface, and direct uploads. From Roda it borrows the implementation of an extensible plugin system.
- Paperclip
- CarrierWave
- Dragonfly
- Refile
- Active Storage
Everyone interacting in the Shrine project’s codebases, issue trackers, and mailing lists is expected to follow the Shrine code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.