- ShanDong University
- https://space.bilibili.com/401759032?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0
Policy Search for Model Predictive Control with Application to Agile Drone Flight
Model Predictive Contouring Controller (MPCC) for Autonomous Racing
The reimplementation of Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) from the paper "Information Theoretic MPC for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning" (Williams et al., 2017) for the pendulum OpenAI Gym e…
A fast and differentiable model predictive control (MPC) solver for PyTorch.
Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) with approximate dynamics implemented in pytorch
Differential Wheeled Mobile Robot - Nonlinear Model Predictive Control based on ROS
Sampling based control for kino-dynamic contact aware motion planning.
Stochastic Tensor Optimization for Robot Motion - A GPU Robot Motion Toolkit
This repo contains the code for "Object Rearrangement Using Learned Implicit Collision Functions", an ICRA 2021 paper. For more information, please visit the project website.
Sampling based Model Predictive Control package for Model-Based RL research
This repository contains CartPole simulator with its GUI, implemented controller (LQR) and generator of random desired position trace. It also contains files to train and test RNN predicting future…
A GPU implementation of Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) control that uses a probabilistic traversability model for planning risk-aware trajectories.
ROS package for autonomous navigation of AGVs in unknown cluttered environments using MPPI and log-MPPI
Code for "Temporal Difference Learning for Model Predictive Control"
Sampling based model predictive control (MPC) using MuJoCo simulator
PyTorch implementation of soft actor critic
Reinforcement learning algorithms for MuJoCo tasks
Trajectory Planner in Multi-Agent and Dynamic Environments
This repository contains the code for our paper on Dynamic Mirror Descent based MPC for Model-Free RL
Implementation of the Learning Model Predictive Controller for autonomous racing
Official implementation of "Training Diverse High-Dimensional Controllers by Scaling Covariance Matrix Adaptation MAP-Annealing"
Real-time behaviour synthesis with MuJoCo, using Predictive Control
Self-supervised Point Cloud Prediction Using 3D Spatio-temporal Convolutional Networks