Distributed and Graph-based Structure from Motion. This project includes the official implementation of our Pattern Recognition 2020 paper: Graph-Based Parallel Large Scale Structure from Motion.
AirSim ROS packages: modified ros wrapper for airsim, and some vslam related tools. (Mainly focused on Car SimMode)
深蓝学院 多传感器定位融合第四期 学习笔记
Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research
[ICCV 2021] Code for AA-RMVSNet: Adaptive Aggregation Recurrent Multi-view Stereo Network.
Urban Drone Dataset(UDD) for "Large-scale Structure from Motion with Semantic Constraints of Aerial Images", PRCV2018
Tongji Univ. Undergraduate Graduation Project 2021. | 🎉含: 同济er毕设答辩PPT模板
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
程序员的浪漫爱心表白源码 演示地址1: 演示地址2:
Unofficial implemention of lanenet model for real time lane detection
为了让更多的学生可以更方便的入门OpenCV, 1Z学院 秉承make things easy的理念, 编写了这套OpenCV基础入门公开课-1Z学院. 而且课件与OpenCV源码均放置在Github上面开源, 大家可以及时下载与更新, 1Z学院会持续更新, 并录制视频教程. 教程源文件(.md后缀文件, markdown) 可以在github实时的浏览, 也可以使用软件typora打开, …