Happy 2015! Iframely domains whitelist is now free and is delivered to every server instance. Over 1600 domains at the moment!
Other changes in this version:
- New `gifv` rel for players. Following Imgur's footsteps, it is to indicate MP4 videos that represent gifs and need to be shown as looping video.
- New `promo` rel, to indicate that embed is attached to the URL. For example, YouTube's used by domains in Twitter cards and Open Graph videos will now be returned with a lot more options and with rel `promo`.
- The same `promo` approach covers all Brightcove's players used on the domains.
- Gfycat is a new embeds provider (with `gifv` player)
- HBR.org, tudou.com, forgifs.com, Google Drive - also added as new providers
- As whitelist is available to everyone now, we removed some of domains that are covered all right by generic parsers
- Whitelist now works for hosted oEmbed domains too. It looks at oEmbed discovery and if no domain record found, adds one by API domain. It coveres, for example, all custom domains of SmugMug, WordPress and Behance.
- Number of domains have been cleaned up. Pinterest boards, for one.
Cheerio library has been updated to a newer version. Please, `npm update`.
Happy 2015 again! And thanks for all your support in 2014!