Tags: utkarshx/iframely
2015.07.03, Version 0.8.7 - Cleanup and maintenance of domain plugins - New domains: Datawrapper, Widgetic - Option to send params for individual oEmbed providers (`ADD_OEMBED_PARAMS` in sample config) - General config option to group Iframely JSON's links by rel by default (`GROUP_LINKS`) - `media=1` optional query string API param that will make Iframely try to return actual media. Ex: Instagram MP4 video instead of status embed - Direct URLs to office docs are now proxied by Google Docs Viewer
2015.06.08, Version 0.8.6 Changes to existing publishers: - Added Imgur’s new `app` embeds - Support for direct links to Giphy’s gifs - All Google parsers: properly handle private content and return status 403 if login is required - Converted Comedy Central plugin to generic `sm4` parser for MTV Network - Domain plugins now allow “*” as a mixin. It activates all other generic parsers. Number of domains have been moved to this approach - Returns players pinned to Pinterest: YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, TED, DailyMotion New publishers: - theta360.com - npr.org (direct links to popup player) - CNBC videos - CNN video gallery (videos in articles still processed through whitelist) - Returned The Onion videos - Added Google Spreadsheets (thanks @j0k3r)
2015.05.07, Version 0.8.5 - Urgent fix for YouTube as they retired v2 API. - Set `config.providerOptions.youtube.api_key` with your Google API key to restore all previous features. See sample local config. - API key is optional: if not given the parsers will fallback to oEmbed data. - It may be the same key you have for new Google Maps, yet copy it in other option.
2015.05.06, Version 0.8.3 - New Google Maps plugin to support current URL scheme (Google finally stopped re-directing our user-agent to their classic URLs) - Support of [Camo Proxy](https://github.com/atmos/camo) for all images (thanks guys from Redbooth). See sample config to activate - Fixes for Spotify and minor fixes for other domains - Restored domain plugin for The Guardian
2015.04.02, Version 0.8.2 - Fixes for some domain plugins like path.com, visual.ly, prezi, deviantart, storify, roomshare.jp - Twitter statuses can now have variable width (through `&maxwidth` param) and are aligned to center - New Facebook Video embeds. Yay! - New plugins for CartoDB, wasu.cn, ku6.com, datpiff.com, tudou.com, deezer
2015.03.04, Version 0.8.0 *Heads up:* Starting from this version, the minimal Node.js version required for Iframely is 0.10.22. We had to make a choice to either support latest Node.js or earlier version due to incompatible libraries dependenices. Please, run 'npm update' to update libraries. Unfortunatelly, update likely won't work if your Node is earlier than 0.10.22. - Instagram status JS embeds with rel `app` - Tumblr status JS embeds with rel `app` (beware: embeds don't work with SSL) - International domains for Pinterest - Google custom maps - YouTube playlists and timed embeds - Google+ posts for international usernames. Plus, properly exclude posts in groups - Medium stories will now have JS embeds too - Fix issues with caching of JSONP requests - Number of fixes in various other plugins
2014.12.30, Version 0.7.2 Happy 2015! Iframely domains whitelist is now free and is delivered to every server instance. Over 1600 domains at the moment! Other changes in this version: - New `gifv` rel for players. Following Imgur's footsteps, it is to indicate MP4 videos that represent gifs and need to be shown as looping video. - New `promo` rel, to indicate that embed is attached to the URL. For example, YouTube's used by domains in Twitter cards and Open Graph videos will now be returned with a lot more options and with rel `promo`. - The same `promo` approach covers all Brightcove's players used on the domains. - Gfycat is a new embeds provider (with `gifv` player) - HBR.org, tudou.com, forgifs.com, Google Drive - also added as new providers - As whitelist is available to everyone now, we removed some of domains that are covered all right by generic parsers - Whitelist now works for hosted oEmbed domains too. It looks at oEmbed discovery and if no domain record found, adds one by API domain. It coveres, for example, all custom domains of SmugMug, WordPress and Behance. - Number of domains have been cleaned up. Pinterest boards, for one. Cheerio library has been updated to a newer version. Please, `npm update`. Happy 2015 again! And thanks for all your support in 2014!