SceneGraph is a fast & flexible framework for visualizing node graphs using in visual effects DCCs using PySide. Scenes can be saved and loaded in a variety of applications, and users can easily add their own nodes to suit their needs.
Launching the interface:
from SceneGraph import scenegraph
sgui = scenegraph.SceneGraphUI()
# access the node graph
graph = sgui.graph
# list all node names
node_names = graph.node_names()
# get all of the node widgets from the GraphicsScene
scene = sgui.view.scene()
nodes = scene.nodes()
# query all of the current dag nodes
dags = graph.nodes()
# return a named dag node
dagnode = graph.get_node('node1')
# get node attributes
# set arbitrary attributes
dagnode.setNodeAttributes(env='maya', version='2014')
# querying widgets
# get an output connection widget
# query an edge
e1=scene.get_edge('node1.output', 'node2.input')[0]
# get edge source item (Connection)
# get connected nodes from an edge
Maya Usage:
from SceneGraph import scenegraph_maya
Nuke Usage:
from SceneGraph import scenegraph_nuke
SceneGraph API:
# create a graph
from SceneGraph import core
# query the currently loaded node types
node_types = g.node_types()
# add some default nodes
n1 = g.add_node('default', name='node1')
n2 = g.add_node('default', name='node2')
# query node connections
if n1.is_input_connection:
conn = n1.output_connections()
# add a new input and output attribute
# connect the nodes (default output/inputs assumed)
e1 = g.add_edge(n1, n2)
# connect with a connection string
e1 = g.connect('node1.output', 'node2.input')
# write the graph
# query all nodes in the graph
print g.nodes()
# query all node names
print g.node_names()
# query all connections
print g.connections()
# Updating Attributes
from SceneGraph import core
g = core.Graph()
d = g.add_node('default')
m = g.add_node('merge')
g.add_edge(d, m, dest_attr='inputA')
m.rename_connection('inputA', 'newInput')
Advanced API:
# add attributes to a dag node, flag it as an input connection
attr=n1.addAttr('env', value='maya', input=True)
# set the value via the node
n1.env = 'nuke'
# set the value via the attribute instance
attr.value = 'houdini'
- Python 2.7
- simplejson
- NetworkX 1.9.1