R package for the analysis of OK-Seq data to study DNA replication fork directionality: from count matrices, RFD calculation to inititation/termination zone calling.
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Color blindness friendly visualization of single-cell and bulk RNA-sequencing data
Reproducibility code for the manuscript: 'Inferring and perturbing cell fate regulomes in human cerebral organoids
Reusable scripts and functions archive for the paper "Organoid single-cell genomic atlas uncovers human-specific features of brain development" (
A hierarchical multiscale model for inferring transcription factor binding from chromatin accessibility data.
A simple gene co-expression analyses workflow powered by tidyverse and graph analyses
Spatial mapping of cell types by integration of transcriptomics data
Identification of candidate cancer mutations based on edge perturbation.
Online single-cell data integration through projecting heterogeneous datasets into a common cell-embedding space
xchromosome219 / hypeR
Forked from montilab/hypeRAn R Package for Geneset Enrichment Workflows
Main repository for Drews et al. (Nature, 2022)
R package to quantify and remove cell free mRNAs from droplet based scRNA-seq data
🎉 A clean and delicate Jekyll theme. Jekyll博客主题
Workflow to run bam-qc-metrics (
Code for reproducing "Exploring genetic interaction manifolds constructed from rich single-cell phenotypes"
NIH BYOB Presentation Materials
Integrating LASSO and bootstrapping algorithm to find best prognostic or predictive biomarkers
Transcription factor Occupancy prediction By Investigation of ATAC-seq Signal