hexo-blog-lionkk Public
Forked from Chocolate1999/hexo-blog-lionkk⚡魔改自butterfly 🦋主题,提供完整详细的文档,同时为了回馈开源,这不是生成后的网页文件,是您可以直接使用的源码,您只需要把博客相关信息换成您自己的就可以部署了,对于新手或者不懂编程的小伙伴来说,简直是福音!❤️
Unity-ECS-TaiJi-Swords-Array Public
Forty thousand flying swords, invincible!!
DOTS-training-samples Public
Forked from Unity-Technologies/DOTS-training-samplesSamples designed as exercises to be ported from Unity GameObjects/MonoBehaviours to Unity DOTS.
VfxGraphModeling Public
Forked from keijiro/VfxGraphModelingProcedural modeling with Unity VFX Graph
UpdatedDec 9, 2019 -
CopyTranslator Public
Forked from CopyTranslator/CopyTranslatorForeign language reading and translation assistant based on copy and translate.
TypeScript GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 4, 2019 -
RaytracedHardShadow Public
Forked from unity3d-jp/RaytracedHardShadowDXR based raytraced hard shadow for Unity
C++ Other UpdatedOct 23, 2019 -
BDFramework.Core Public
Forked from yimengfan/BDFramework.Core[中]Simple! Easy! Beautiful! This‘s a powerful Unity3d game workflow! Unity3d framework:c# hotfix、asset manager、ui workflow、network debug... and so on
steamvr_unity_plugin Public
Forked from ValveSoftware/steamvr_unity_pluginSteamVR Unity Plugin - Documentation at: https://valvesoftware.github.io/steamvr_unity_plugin/
C# BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 14, 2019 -
UnityVFXEssentials Public
Forked from dilmerv/UnityVFXEssentialsVFX Essentials with Unity3d Visual Effects Graph
C# UpdatedSep 24, 2019 -
v2ray-core Public
Forked from v2ray/v2ray-coreA platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
Go MIT License UpdatedSep 7, 2019 -
UniRx Public
Forked from neuecc/UniRxReactive Extensions for Unity
C# MIT License UpdatedSep 4, 2019 -
Entitas-CSharp Public
Forked from sschmid/EntitasEntitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
C# MIT License UpdatedAug 31, 2019 -
VisualEffectGraph-Samples Public
Forked from Unity-Technologies/VisualEffectGraph-SamplesVisual Effect Graph - Samples Project
Translate-Subtitle-File Public
Forked from 1c7/Translate-Subtitle-File【寻求协作维护或者 fork 维护这个项目】字幕组机翻小助手 - 减轻翻译时打中文的手部疲劳 - 直接拖入 srt/ass 文件就可以翻译整个字幕文件
JavaScript UpdatedJul 20, 2019 -
animation-jobs-samples Public
Forked from Unity-Technologies/animation-jobs-samplesCode samples using the animation C# jobs feature.
C# UpdatedJun 3, 2019 -
MoveEffectTool Public
Forked from BlueMonk1107/MoveEffectTool基于Dotween编写的动态效果工具
C# MIT License UpdatedMay 17, 2019 -
Animation-Instancing Public
Forked from Unity-Technologies/Animation-InstancingThis technique is designed to instance Characters(SkinnedMeshRender).
Klak Public
Forked from keijiro/KlakCreative coding library for Unity
C# MIT License UpdatedApr 16, 2019 -
NonEuclidean Public
Forked from HackerPoet/NonEuclideanA Non-Euclidean Rendering Engine for 3D scenes.
C++ MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2019 -
ShaderGraph_ExampleLibrary Public
Forked from UnityTechnologies/ShaderGraph_ExampleLibraryA library of Shaders created using Unity's Shader Graph.
ShaderLab UpdatedJan 8, 2019 -
Unity-2D-Platformer-Controller Public
Forked from cjddmut/Unity-2D-Platformer-ControllerA customizable 2D platformer motor that handles mechanics such as double jumps, wall jumps, and corner grabs. Includes a player controlled prefab that can be dropped into any scene for immediate su…
C# MIT License UpdatedOct 6, 2018 -
RxJS-Ultimate-CN Public
Forked from RxJS-CN/RxJS-Ultimate-CNRxJS Ultimate 中文版
HTML UpdatedSep 19, 2018 -