tabbyAPI Public
Forked from theroyallab/tabbyAPIAn OAI compatible exllamav2 API that's both lightweight and fast
zMayaTools Public
Various small tools for Maya
Pillow Public
Forked from python-pillow/PillowThe friendly PIL fork (Python Imaging Library)
Python Other UpdatedJun 25, 2021 -
pymel Public
Forked from LumaPictures/pymelPython in Maya Done Right
Python Other UpdatedMay 10, 2021 -
Dependencies Public
Forked from lucasg/DependenciesA rewrite of the old legacy software "depends.exe" in C# for Windows devs to troubleshoot dll load dependencies issues.
C# MIT License UpdatedSep 1, 2019 -
Starscream Public
Forked from daltoniam/StarscreamWebsockets in swift for iOS and OSX
Swift Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 3, 2018 -
websocketpp Public
Forked from zaphoyd/websocketppC++ websocket client/server library
C++ Other UpdatedNov 30, 2018 -
exrflatten Public
Apply color adjustments to objects in a 3d render with simple image editing tools
grim_IK Public
Forked from kattkieru/grim_IKNon-iterative two-bone IK plugin with Soft IK, IK / FK switching, reversing, and elbow pinning in one node for Autodesk Maya 2016+.
zRigHandle Public
A Maya plugin for better viewport rig handles
zOBBTransformNative Public
Source to the native component of zOBBTransform
The Lua repo, as seen by the Lua team. Mirrored irregularly
LuaJIT Public
Forked from LuaJIT/LuaJITMirror of the LuaJIT git repository
cvwrap Public
Forked from chadmv/cvwrapA Maya wrap deformer that is faster than Maya's wrap deformer, can be rebounded, has a GPU implementation, and supports inverted front of chain blend shapes.
zInvertedBlendShape Public
A Maya plugin to create inverted blend shapes that can be sculpted in-place
zMappedWrapDeformer Public
A Maya plugin to map vertices of one mesh to another
GameFrame Public
Forked from Jerware/GameFrameGame Frame Source
Red9_StudioPack Public
Forked from markj3d/Red9_StudioPackRed9 StudioPack for Maya
Python Other UpdatedSep 12, 2014 -
psd-tools Public
Forked from psd-tools/psd-toolsPython package for reading Adobe Photoshop PSD files
python-memcached Public
Forked from linsomniac/python-memcachedA python memcached client library.
Python UpdatedFeb 6, 2014