Starred repositories
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
This library allows you to play a code movies on your website.
wtfpython的中文翻译/持续🚧.../ 能力有限,欢迎帮我改进翻译
Visualize markdown documents as mindmaps
Examples built with TensorFlow.js
📜 A curated list of awesome pure CSS resources.
A toolkit to automate & enhance your workflow
Example of importing gulp tasks into your gulpfile
Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic JavaScript
HTML 5 based Scratch project player
Standalone web client for Scratch
Graphical User Interface for creating and running Scratch 3.0 projects.
We川大小程序[scuplus] 使用wepy开发的完善的校园综合小程序, 40+页面,前后端开源,包括成绩、课表、失物招领、图书馆、新闻资讯等等常见校园场景功能
中华人民共和国行政区划:省级(省份)、 地级(城市)、 县级(区县)、 乡级(乡镇街道)、 村级(村委会居委会) ,中国省市区镇村二级三级四级五级联动地址数据。
微信小程序-贪吃蛇 功能: 得分计算/蛇长计算/游戏加速/蛇加长 (吃到食物, 蛇加长, 移动速度加快, 游戏结束计算得分/蛇长)