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A Map-based localization implementation combining FAST-LIO2 as an odometry with Quatro + Nano-GICP as a map matching method, and with ScanContext as a loop candidate detection method
A SLAM implementation combining FAST-LIO2 with pose graph optimization and loop closing based on ScanContext, Quatro, and Nano-GICP
OpenMMLab's next-generation platform for general 3D object detection.
FRNet: Frustum-Range Networks for Scalable LiDAR Segmentation
The official implementation for "Spherical Transformer for LiDAR-based 3D Recognition" (CVPR 2023).
The LiDAR segmenters library, for segmentation-based detection.
ROS2-Gazebo simulation package leveraging Mid360 and FASTLIO for navigation. Contact me (QQ): 757003373
A Robust LiDAR-Inertial Odometry for Livox LiDAR
IESKF-LIO reference to fast_lio1.0(参考fast-lio早期版本,复现的fast-lio2)
Pointcept: a codebase for point cloud perception research. Latest works: PTv3 (CVPR'24 Oral), PPT (CVPR'24), OA-CNNs (CVPR'24), MSC (CVPR'23)
This repo is the official code for the paper SFPNet (ECCV 2024) and dataset S.MID.
Laser SLAM; Semantic-assisted point cloud matching; LiDAR/IMU fusion pose estimation; Loop closure detection; SubMap
Mask4Former: Mask Transformer for 4D Panoptic Segmentation
This is a lidar segmentation method based on range image.
LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。)
iG-LIO: An Incremental GICP-based Tightly-coupled LiDAR-inertial Odometry
Voxelmap++: Mergeable Voxel Mapping Method for Online LiDAR(-inertial) Odometry
A simple system that can relocalize a robot on a built map is developed in this system. The system is based on LIO-SAM.
[RAL 2023] A globally consistent LiDAR map optimization module
A LiDAR-Inertial localization package based on FAST-LIO2, operating with a known prior map.
A tightly coupled and real time LiDAR-Inertial SLAM algorithm. Based upon LIMO-Velo and FAST_LIO projects.
FAST-LIO 2 with VoxelMapPlus and STD
map-based localization.Modified from fast-lio2.
iG-LIO with Loop Closure(PGO) and Online Re-Localize
ROS2 / FAST_LIO / PGO / Online Re-Localization / Consistent Map with BA or HBA
Livox-Mid-360 Used in UAV based faster-lio. Add localization mode in built maps.