Overview What's Machine Learning? Machine Learning Studio What's the Studio? Studio capabilities Infographic: ML basics Team Data Science Process Overview Lifecycle Walkthroughs Frequently asked questions What's new? Get Started Create your first experiment Example walkthrough Create a predictive solution 1: Create a workspace 2: Upload data 3: Create experiment 4: Train and evaluate 5: Deploy web service 6: Access web service Data Science for Beginners 1: Five questions 2: Is your data ready? 3: Ask the right question 4: Predict an answer 5: Copy other people's work R quick start How To Set up tools and utilities Set up environments Set up virtual machines Customize Hadoop Set up a virtual machine DS VM overview How to use the DS VM Provision the DS VM Set up Azure VM Set up SQL VM Provision Linux VM Use Linux VM Manage a workspace Create Manage Troubleshoot Deploy using ARM Create in another region Analyze business needs Technical needs Identify your scenario Acquire and understand data Load data into storage Overview Blob storage Use Storage Explorer Use AzCopy Use Python Use SSIS Move to a VM Move to SQL database Load into hive tables Load from on-prem SQL Load fromSQL partition tables Import training data Overview From a local file From online sources From an experiment Use on-prem SQL Explore and visualize data Prepare data Explore data Overview Use Pandas Use SQL VM Use Hive tables Sample data Overview Use blob storage Use SQL Server Use Hive tables Process data Access with Python Process blob data Use Azure Data Lake Use SQL VM Use data pipeline Process data with Spark Overview Explore data Score models Advanced data exploration Use Scala and Spark Develop models Engineer and select features Overview Use Pandas Use SQL+Python Use Hive queries TDSP feature selection Create and train models Convert to scoring Manage iterations Use PowerShell to create models Select algorithms Choose algorithms Algorithm cheat sheet Use linear regression Use text analytics Evaluate and interpret results Evaluate performance Optimize parameters Interpret results Debug Use R and Python Execute R scripts Author custom R modules Execute Python scripts Deploy and consume models Overview Deploy models How it works Deploy a new web service Deploy a web service Use external data Deploy in multi-regions Publish to Marketplace Use web service parameters Enable logging Manage web services Create endpoints Use Web Services portal Manage with APIs Scaling Retrain models Overview Retrain programmatically Retrain a Classic web service Retrain with PowerShell Retrain an existing web service Troubleshoot Consume models Overview Use Excel Use Excel add-in Use web app template Examples Sample experiments Sample datasets Customer churn example End-to-end scenarios Use Hadoop clusters Use Hadoop with 1TB Use SQL Server Use SQL Data Warehouse Web service examples Examples with R Binary Classifier Cluster Model Multivariate Linear Regression Forecasting - Exponential Smoothing Forecasting - ETS + STL Forecasting - ARIMA Survival Analysis Lexicon Based Sentiment Analysis Difference in Proportions Test Normal Distribution Suite Binomial Distribution Suite Marketplace FAQ Reference PowerShell PowerShell module for Machine Learning Algorithm & Module reference REST Related Cortana Intelligence Gallery Overview Industries Solutions Experiments Jupyter Notebooks Competitions Competitions FAQ Tutorials Collections Custom Modules Cortana Analytics APIs Anomaly detection Text analytics Cognitive Services Recommendations Overview Quick start Reference Use JavaScript FAQ Predictive maintenance Overview Architecture Technical guide Vehicle telemetry Overview Playbook Setup Resources Machine Learning REST Error Codes Net# Neural Networks Language Pricing Service updates Blog MSDN forum Stack Overflow Videos Get help from live chat